I went to the MOPA, Museum of Photographic Arts in Balboa Park. The first thing about this museum/area is that it is always packed and there is never a good time to go that isn’t crazy busy. I tried to go three different times, but all times weren’t good until I waited an hour for parking. When I first walked into the museum it was very big and welcoming. The staff was charming and informative and allowed for an easy and enjoyable time. There were only about 3 or 4 different rooms or halls with different artists’ work being displayed in their way to showcase their special installations. The three different installations that were installed were, Arresting Beauty: by Julia Margaret Cameron, Video Portraits by Robert Wilson, and The Water Holds Me By Sude House. I enjoyed Robert Wilson’s work and Suda House’s work. They spoke to me the most because of the interactive and eye-pulling medium he chose to showcase his artwork with. The images were some graphic some simple and some beautiful, but they all had a different time-changing characteristic that would make you sit and try to figure out what is happening. I enjoyed Suda House’s work because it was all about the beauty of the body without the beauty of nature, and I think that water and everything that lives in water is one of the pretty characteristics of nature. I didn’t enjoy Julia Margaret Cameron’s work as it is more old school and time and I am more drawn to modern art, especially when we are comparing within the same space. Overall this whole experience kind of made me realize that I should try to go to more museums as they have more modern art and it isn’t just Always filled with artifacts and older generation installations. I do have to say, I think Julia Margaret Cameron’s art pieces were easier to photograph in a museum type setting, but the other artist work was easier to digest and enjoy while in person. 

